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  • About me

    I am

    👋 Hey, I'm Rishav, a passionate full-stack developer currently pursuing my Masters. I thrive on the challenges of crafting seamless user experiences through my expertise in full-stack development. Delving into the world of cybersecurity, I actively contribute to fortifying digital landscapes.
    🔒 Beyond coding, I'm fascinated by the intersection of mathematics and machine learning, exploring the elegant formulations behind diverse models. As a student on a quest for knowledge, I'm dedicated to shaping the future of technology.
    💡 Join me on this learning journey, where I combine creativity with code, enhance digital security, and unravel the mathematical beauty of machine learning. Let's build the future together!

    my skills

    Web Development

    I am a full stack web developer , I develop frontend applications using html,css,javascript,bootstrap,react and for backend services I use technologies like NodeJS, Flask and Django. Besides I also have knowledge of devops

    app development

    I am also an app developer . I develop cross-platform apps using flutter . I have a good experience of developing apps in flutter and have many projects available on my github account

    machine learning

    I have been learning machine learning for almost an year and have huge interest in machine learning. Currently I am learning Natural Language Processing

    contact me

    email : rishavs@iisc.ac.in

    contact no: +918017544231